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Be Apart of the Movement

The 2020 March on Washington is happening today, August 28th to commemorate the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s historic I Have A Dream speech in 1963 in Washington, D.C. Much has changed since that historic event, but much as stayed the same since on this day 57 years ago over 250,000 stood in our Nation’s capital to demand economic opportunity and civil rights.

At least 50,000 people are expected today in Washington, DC to attend the 2020 March. However, many of you are like me, and for various reasons cannot attend in person. However, I would like to urge you that this March is a moment in this movement to end police brutality and dismantle systemic racism, and we must not stop until there is change. Here are ways you can support this movement:

1. Watch the March virtually and check out other resources at

2. Vote in the upcoming election especially, and yearly in all federal, state, and local elections. Check out for resources!

3. Regularly support a Black owned business. Check out my Blog on Black Out 2020 ( for links to a list of businesses I support in my Blogs titled Buy Black and Buy Black Literature and Art.

3. Donate to a smaller nonprofit whose efforts support people of color. One I would like to highlight is a non-profit started by fellow USNA graduates called Leadership LINKS ( If you can not give financially to a nonprofit of your choice, then identify your talents that can be used to help a nonprofit of your choice.

4. If you are Black, share your story with peers who will listen. If you are an Ally, then use your privilege to create safe spaces for Blacks to share their stories. Also, use your privilege to hold the organizations accountable to make actual changes in the organizations to make it a level playing field for Black people and other underserved/underrepresented minorities for diversity does not mean inclusive and equal. Also, confront people in your circle who do not understand why this movement is important and even their own implicit bias.

5. Cultivate Black joy in yourself, homes, and communities. Black joy does not equate to apathy, but instead is a means to survival and that is what our ancestors taught us.

Remember that everyone, not just Blacks, but everyone is needed for this movement to invoke transformative change which is long overdue.



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