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Fitness Friday: Cute Workout Outfits Boosts Desire to Workout

To kick start your fitness journey, my first tip I recommend is for your fitness clothes to be the first thing you put on in the morning. I know some people who wear theirs to bed because it forces you to workout before doing anything else. There is no longer the question of do you workout, but rather what do you wear while working out?

I like to wear workout clothes that are cute and fashionable and that are full of color and prints. I feel more confident and the desire to workout and harder is increased. I have started seeing changes in my body, so sometimes to treat myself I grab a new outfit. However, I am now starting share my workouts as I once did when I was a bodybuilder, so embracing the fit-fluencer life. Check out my summer body series on IGTV sharing different workouts. Because I am posting my workouts a lot, I wanted to have varying outfits in my different videos.

Below I will show you nine different outfits with just six items especially if you are like me and post your workouts to motivate others. First is to choose two base colors and a print with those two base colors in them. I chose pink and green, and my print picks up on those two colors. Here are all the different outfit options I was able to achieve with just six items (3 workout bra tops and 3 leggings). If you are not comfortable wearing just a sports bra, you can also adopt this same thought with a tank top.

If you like my outfits, then grab yours at these links:

Which one is your favorite? Comment below!


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