There are many things I require of my kids that my parents required of me, and one is to play an instrument! I have built practicing into our daily schedule, but now that they no longer are playing in school or preparing for a concert, so it has been rather difficult! However, my oldest child was inspired by an artist's online challenge to add something to his current song! She decided on her own to accompany the violin to the song. She figured out the notes, composed her music, practiced, and the next thing I know I have what you will find in my YouTube video below!

Her efforts gave me an epiphany, challenge them to create more string accompaniments to current trending music they like. This has many benefits:
1. They will learn to have an ear for notes to figure out how to compose the accompaniment.
2. It gets them playing without you constantly taking TV chords and phones until they play.
3. They will have fun and feel a sense of accomplishment.
4. It protects your investment of this instrument you have likely spent hundreds of dollars on from collecting dust!
Check out my daughter's accompaniment to Rod Wave's "Girl of My Dreams" Challenge.